WICED Software. Highly-Efficient SDKs for Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Connection

By: Segiy Sergienko, 8 Sep 2020
4   min read
Reading Time: 4 minutes

WICED Software comprises the Cypress family of proprietary platforms (SDKs) for working with hardware solutions of the same manufacturer. The main goal of this software is an efficient connection of wireless protocols such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Let’s discuss this category of SDKs in a bit more detail.


WICED Software provides fully-featured SDKs for developing projects based on the Internet of Things (IoT). All in all, there are three types of WICED Software: WICED Studio, WICED Smart, and WICED Wi-Fi SDK. Each of these SDKs combines the capabilities of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless protocols (Basic Rate, Enhanced Data Rate, and Bluetooth Low Energy), providing engineers with convenient and easy-to-use APIs.

With their help, the following solutions can be implemented:

  • inter-device connection through the cloud;
  • implementation of audio-over-Wi-Fi/Bluetooth;
  • connection to BLE-based sensors and beacons with low energy consumption;
  • connection to Smart Home gateways.

There are really no other SDKs that allow such a wide range of capabilities for their MCUs as WICED Software does (especially when it comes to combining Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in one project).

It is also noteworthy that WICED Software is compatible with all popular OSs, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux (the last option is enabled through the Eclipse IDE). On top of that, this software allows integration with numerous third-party cloud services, which simplifies the deployment of single-user solutions – for instance, smart home products.

However, one should keep in mind that each of the above SDKs is supported by different Cypress devices. Therefore, before purchasing this or that Cypress hardware, you should check with your local Cypress provider or write/search the answer in the Cypress Community to find out about the SDK compatible with your device.

WICED Software use cases: using these handy SDKs in smart home solutions

As you may know, software and hardware solutions for smart homes can significantly improve the quality of everyday life: they make household duties simpler and faster, increase security, synchronize all home and personal equipment, etc. They are especially relevant for owners of smart speakers and other devices based on artificial intelligence (for instance, Siri-based hardware).

At the same time, all engineering subsystems and household appliances are controlled using a universal remote control panel, computer, or smartphone.

What can you control via the usual smart home systems?

  • lighting;
  • security (locks, safes, etc.);
  • surveillance;
  • microclimate;
  • audio systems solutions;

In its turn, WICED Software installed on any Cypress MCU helps integrate support for the most relevant types of wireless networks (both individually and in combination) for a smart home: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, up to the latest 802.11ac standard. In addition, this software helps ensure minimal power consumption and integration with iCloud, Amazon Web Services, IBM Bluemix, Alibaba Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Weibo.


WICED Studio is supported by the vast majority of Cypress-compatible MCUs. Let’s look at how this solution can be used with macOS.

Step #1 – installation

First off, you will need to create a personal account on the official Cypress website.

After filling in the required data, you will receive a message to your email address to confirm account registration by clicking on a one-time link.

Then, you will need to download WICED Studio. To do this, follow the link and select the version suitable for your software. After the installation file is downloaded, run it, and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

Step #2 – creating a GitHub Repository account

If you already have a personal account on GitHub, simply move on to step #3. If you don’t, follow the link to create one by specifying all the required info.

Step #3 – connecting the selected Cypress module

Now, you need to connect the patch board of your selected Cypress MCU to the computer via mini-USB.

Step #4 – download & install an app for serial ports

At this stage, you simply need to download and set up a serial port application. One of the most popular such solutions is CoolTerm. You will need to configure it according to the official instructions and then connect it with WICED Studio.

Step #5 – launching the console

Once WICED Studio is set up, launch the console. It should display the “Build Finished” message, which means you can move on to configuring Wi-Fi specifics via smartphone.

In order to see the list of all available console commands, just enter “?” inside it.

Step #6 – defining resources in the selected cloud service

Once all the above is done, you can launch your preferred cloud service. Usually, you need to register an account here as well.

Step #7 – select a device from the list

After you select a device from the list of available options, you will need to start configuring it. Following this, you have to choose the SSID and connect (most likely, for this you will need to enter a password). When finished, click “Use & Test Connection”. It can take some time.

Moving on, you can start configuring the device as well as the MCU via the WICED Software console.

We’d also recommend taking a look at this demo video about the branded Cypress smart home solution.


In any of its implementations, WICED Software provides very convenient SDKs for efficient yet simple to grasp operations. With their help, you can easily deploy the most complex systems based on Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi connections, including smart home solutions. Moreover, the project you created will turn out to be much cheaper, more reliable, and more predictable than traditional ones based on high-level programming languages.

As for the question of who to entrust the development of such solutions to, we strongly insist on a professional approach. Feel free to contact us. Our developers have in-depth expertise in creating projects using the Cypress MCU. On top of that, we are an official partner of the company so we can 100% guarantee the high quality of the project at a minimum cost.

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