Brass Tacks of IoT Product Development

By: Segiy Sergienko, 11 Feb 2021
3   min read
Reading Time: 3 minutes

We are all used to the Internet as a universal means of connecting people. But the advent of the Internet of Things has turned the global network into an ultimate connector that links not only humans but also objects in our environment. Moreover, devices untied into an IoT systemdon’t need human participation to communicate with each other. 

However, just a simple linkage of several gadgets open to Internet access doesn’t make a structure an IoT engineering project. The devices should have the relevant software to be able to read and exchange data. It is the key to optimal functioning of the entire IoT system upon which the success of the IoT product development ultimately depends. Being one of the most robust IoT software companies specializing in IoT app development, Sirin Software knows this realm inside out. We would like to offer some tips on how to go about IoT product development and eventually get a high-quality app. 

IoT App Development: Key Takeaways

Any IoT engineering project encompasses the following elements.

  • Device hardware. Sensors and actuators are the two kinds of mechanisms that obtain some data from the physical world and act upon receiving a command. IoT app development vendors don’t have much to do with those.
  • Connectivity. This summand of any IoT engineering project includes all possible vehicles the device will employ to interact with the environment. These communication mechanisms involve both physical networks (landline wire services, Bluetooth, cellular, Wi-Fi, satellite) and a whole gamut of protocols (identification, discovery, data, infrastructure, semantic, etc.).
  • Device software. It is what turns an average appliance into a smart one and this is where IoT software companies armed with an arsenal of tools step in. Providing the gadget with one presupposes building two layers – operating system and application(s). The choice of the former is conditioned by the complexity of the particular IoT project (namely, I/O support as well as support for the whole TCP/IP stack). But IoT software companies don’t really build it – they supply the system with the available one, for instance, Linux, Windows Embedded, Brillo, etc. 

The second layer that functions atop the OS is what can be called IoT product development proper and it is the total responsibility of IoT app development companies that are to take care of data acquisition, local control, cloud streaming, analytics, etc. 

Building a product, IoT app development vendors always start with creating a prototype. Although the IoT prototype cost adds to the overall sum customers will have to fork out, it is a necessary initial step in IoT product development. While building a prototype, seasoned IoT app development companies should pay close attention to our tips.

Never Underestimate UI

It is a common gaffe of IoT app development vendors to neglect UI, focusing rather on the connectivity or backend creation. However, UI is the face of the product, significantly determining the first impression customers get while interacting with the app. So, in an IoT prototype UI must be a real-time proof of the product’s value and enable the user not only to behold the data but also sort it out. A good technological approach to creating a prototype’s UI is to make use of HTML5, JS, and CSS employed on the web.

Factor Hardware in

While mapping out your programming strategy, hardware complexity must be taken into account. An expected IoT prototype cost may run counter to this consideration but more advanced boards and accessories allow for more opportunities in choosing software and shorter development time. So a wise tradeoff should be sought in this price vs speed dilemma.

Make Use of Third-Party Tools

You don’t have to re-invent the wheel in IoT app development and come up with unique visualization and data control techniques. There are slews of third party kits out there that will streamline and rev up your development efforts, what with prototype creation and with the building of the app per se.

Monitor Market Environment

In the ever-changing world of today, where marketing tendencies shift and novel technologies crop up almost every week, it is wise to keep your eyes skinned and stay in the know of what is going on in the IT realm. Thus, you will be able to introduce alterations into the initial scheme and adapt your project to the shifting needs and booming trends that push their way in. 


Implementation of any IoT project starts with building a prototype that once proving its viability is unfolded into a full-fledged system. Both stages are impossible without a committed team of professionals, possessing requisite skills and experience in the field. Sirin Software is a perfect choice in this respect that will see your project through and take care it doesn’t cost you a pretty penny.

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